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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  June 21, 2011 2:05am-4:00am PDT

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my computer is the same as a new computer. [ male announcer ] so to show her what she's missing, we built a pc store in her house. [ gasps ] come on in. make yourself at home. this is my home. let's take a look. it's really light. honey, help me shop. you can get up to 7 hours on this battery. [ jesse ] the color really pops out. everything's wireless. wireless keyboard. that's impressive. i like this one better. and i like this one. [ male announcer ] new pc. what's it gonna be? i'm a pc. and i got what i wanted. as usual. to london starts with arthritis pain... and a choice. take tylenol now, and maybe up to 8 in a day. or...choose aleve and 2 pills for a day free of pain. enjoy the flight.
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oprah: our reunion last week. that was a doozy. now iyanla vanzant is back. your husband is gone. the money is gone. >> am i gonna take these pills or am i gonna shoot myself? oprah: tomorrow. oprah: so you're going to continue to do "america's got talent"? >> i am. i'm doing "america's got talent" again, yeah.
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oprah: ok, so they're going to split you between-- >> between l.a. and new york mainly. and obviously, chicago as often as you'd like me, oprah. oprah: i hear you've become now kind of fascinated with twitter. is that true? >> i've become a sort of twitter obsessive freak. how many twitter followers do you have? oprah: i think 4 million. >> ok. i have about 250,000. i need some help here. i need you to order every one of your followers to follow piers @piersmorgan right now. do it for piers. oprah: do it for you? >> do it for me. oprah: ah, i might mention you. [laughter] oprah: well, i wish you the best, really. i wanted you on because i want to continue to wish you the best. >> well, thank you, oprah. can i say, again, thank you. because you gave me the best launch possible, and i owe you. so anything you ever want from me--and i mean anything. [laughter] you just ask. oprah: ok. let me think of some things. you can see "piers morgan tonight" every weeknight at 9 eastern, 8 central on cnn. what i love about it is, when you know
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somebody's going in your chair now, since i've been in that chair, i know that they're not going to get an easy way out. >> it's the hot bath and two anacin. oprah: it's a hot bath and two anacin. good-bye, everybody. thank you, piers. [captioning made possible by king world] [captioned by the national captioning institute] medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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♪ it was an itsy bitsy teenie
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weenie yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today ♪ >> jimmy's rocking it out. >> do you have an itsy bitsy teenie weenie -- >> i'm not going to say. i might be wearing it right now. >> don't fess up to that, i've seen it. since abc launched the "made in america" series you the viewer have reached out to ask how you can help to buy american. alifornia woman who was stunned, stunned at how much clothes we buy not made in america. so she dove in headfirst to see what she can do. here's david muir. >> reporter: our "made in america" trip this time took us clear across america. to the palm trees of california. see the pool entrance? bright and early at the covina ymca. beyond the swim lessons they've been taught something else by a swimmer named helen. she'd seen all those videos sent in by viewers, so common to clothing.
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just today another one from cub scouts in salt lake city, utah. their uniforms? >> it's bangladesh. >> reporter: it's everywhere you look. even our stealth visit to new york's grand central station. we asked, was anyone wearing clothes made in america? this couple determined to find something. even the t-shirt. >> haiti. >> reporter: as we drew a crowd, some knew exactly what we were up to. >> "made in america." >> you knew what was going on. >> reporter: this german couple didn't. and they were emphatic. they came to america to buy american. >> japan. vietnam. >> mexico. >> reporter: the label on his jeans? >> japan. >> reporter: we stopped him there. in fact, 98% of the clothes bought in this country are made overseas. which brings us back to helen who saw that and marched into her ymca and blew her whistle. >> i thought of this class and i thought, bathing suits. >> canada, china, india, dominican republic, honduras, israel, thailand, vietnam, mexico, cambodia. did any of you find a made in the usa swimsuit the moment you looked when you got out of the pool? >> no. >> reporter: they were determined to change that. we were, too.
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traveling all the way to this small town outside myrtle beach, south carolina. a tiny swimsuit company. with giant growth. 25% just this year. custom fit. you need a specification, they'll sew it. >> we can run out on the floor and say, it's not fitting correctly, it's gapping here, it's bulging there. then we change it. >> reporter: and economists say that's the key to competing with china. clothing that's specialized. they're not mass-producing anything. but they are hiring. six seamstresses in six months. and where are those swimsuits now? why did you blow the whistle that day? because i care about the people that don't have a job. >> reporter: eight women now looking at labels and looking good too. >> made in america! yay! >> helen marshall and that letter to abc news, so brave and her entire team willing to show us the bathing suits, the one thing that they want to help get this economy moving. and you can too. let us know the one thing that
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you have or plan to purchase. who knows, we could come to a neighborhood near you. david muir, abc news, new york. >> those ladies have a lot of mojo. they look great. and by the way, excellent swimsuits is one of the companies that makes swimsuits here in america. they're outside of detroit. custom swim wear for hard to fit women which i think is everyone. when it comes to a swimsuit. it's very hard to find -- >> can be a tough experience. >> it's traumatic. >> for men, birdwell beach britches. try saying that three times fast. based in santa ana, california. that's where i bought that. >> i wore that last year. someone said it wasn't hip. i felt pretty good. are they called swim trunks for guys? >> you don't have to worry about getting sunburned in that outfit. >> it sort of looks like pjs. when we return, settling the high-profile lawsuit over a tattoo. >> not just any tattoo. we'll let you know who is no longer so hot in paris hilton's love life. details are coming up next in "the skinny." oh, paris.
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it is time now for "the skinny." unfortunately we start on a bit of a somber note. the death of "jackass" star ryan dunn happened in a fiery car crash in pennsylvania. he was 34 years old. and he died in the car crash along with a passenger who has not been identified as of yet. you see him there. he was in the very popular "jackass" series. and this is a story that's been resonating with our viewers on facebook. there have been a lot of comments, people talking about this. he apparently may have been under the influence of alcohol. >> he tweeted a photo a couple of hours before this accident. apparently he blew over a guardrail, which you see there, in his 2007 porsche which was engulfed in flames after the crash. the irony, you think of all the stunts they did. >> exactly. >> in those movies, and some of them were very dangerous. >> right. >> and then to see this -- >> and then driving. >> and also a lot of speculation about that tweeted photo, where
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there's some alcohol apparently in the picture. more details i'm sure on that to follow. lightening things up significantly. >> yes, let's do that. >> let's talk about "the hangover 2" tattoo. the tattoo lawsuit. >> much ado about a tattoo. >> indeed much ado. there is a lot of talk about how they were no longer going to be able to release in "hangover 2" this tattoo on the dvd. >> this is the mike tyson-esque tattoo on ed helms there. >> i love ed helms. by the way, as a side note. victor put the tat on tyson in the first place, which was then duplicated in "hangover 2." apparently there has been a settlement, the big "s" word. which is really what you want. >> cut the check. >> cut the check and let's get it over with so we can release the darn dvd. >> they were saying we're going to have to change it through computer, digitally changing it in the dvd, which would have been a nightmare. trying to do that. >> i thought there were some differences in the tattoo. but i'm no lawyer. >> artistic license, i guess. >> there you go. now on to our much lighter note. paris hilton and cy waits.
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so sad here. we've been mourning this all morning. >> i can't believe it. >> they're breaking up. i believe, who could have seen this coming. >> they've been dating like tk >> please. >> i think this is just traumatic for everyone. >> evidently they were together almost a year. >> oh, that is long. >> time flies with paris hilton and her beaus. they had altercation with dui at one point. i don't think anyone's too surprised. i'm sure she'll find someone else. >> she's young. there's a time to find mr. right. what is she worried about? weird al yankovic. he has spoofed lady gaga. i sort of love this guy because he's sort of like -- >> been around so many years. >> been around forever. keeps coming back with whatever the new hip song is. let's take a listen to weird al as he spoofs the lady. ♪ my mama told me when i was hatched ♪ ♪ act like a superstar ♪ save your allowance, buy a bubble dress ♪ >> he's in pretty good shape. for his age. we had fun digitally imposing
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his face. >> obviously they've had some fun digitally superimposing his face. >> i love all of these outfits in this video i think she would wear as well. let's listen. take it away, al. ♪ what is that? it's you!
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it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay?
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let's go back to drawing. here are some stories on abc news. utah's former governor jon huntsman enters the gop race for president today. he's president obama's former ambassador to china. congressman anthony weiner makes his resignation official at midnight tonight. he sent a final resignation letter to political leaders in washington and new york. if you want a gate agent to print your sprint boarding pass it will cost an extra $5. of course it will. yet another fee. >> it just doesn't end. >> keeps piling up. >> that's right. okay, you know they say that age is only a number. if you're a florida marlins fan
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you better hope that's true. your new manager is 80 years old. a feisty 80. we like it. >> he is. elderly workers aren't exactly a bad thing. in fact, a new study shows they're outperforming their younger counterparts. bianna golodryga reports. >> reporter: this is your grandfather's baseball team. maybe even your great grandfather's. meet jack mckeon, new interim manager of the florida marlins. at a feisty 80 years old he's the second-oldest manager in major league history. an honor he's unapologetic about. >>hy ce g penaliz 80 doesn't mean a thing. i'm not 80. my birth certificate says that but i'm not 80. >> reporter: not a single member of his team was born the first time mckeon managed 973. now the team's president says he may be their best chance for a comeback. >> jack mckeon is not old to us. 80 years old is just a number. >> reporter: the marlins may be on to something. a new study finds that older workers are more productive than their younger peers.
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as physical strength fades, other more valuable skills surge. like leadership and teamwork. older workers make fewer mistakes and less catastrophic ones. researchers found productivity actually increases until age 65. something home depot has figured out. to entice older workers they offer snowbird specials. work winters in florida, summers in maine. new york life? they say maybe it's all that life experience. but older workers are better at selling life insurance. >> i think what's important in our field, when you're sitting down with businesses or individuals, is really trust and credibility. >> reporter: and there's another reason the marlins think mckeon can take the team to the championship. he's done it before at the age of 72 back then in 2003, he took the team to the promised land coming out of retirement. he would retire for a second time tr. and well, now he's back in the workforce. bianna golodryga, abc news, new york. >> you can see the gray hair
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this morning on"world news now," legal fight. the judge in the casey anthony case lays down the law in his orlando courtroom. >> how attorneys got themselves in trouble in the high-profile case of an accused child killer. it's tuesday, june 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm daniel sieberg in for rob nelson. testimony resumes today in the casey anthony case after the judge's warning brought the trial to an abrupt stop. we'll explain what made him so angry and why he thought the attorneys' actions could lead to a mistrial. imagine that, after all this time in this case. >> you know there's so much attention on this case. in fact, you know, the state of florida somewhat stopped, they're all really watching this closely. >> cable news, it's everywhere. >> people can use it for grandstanding or what have you.
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sort of got to stay focused on the case. also coming up, the intense fires that are burning in the southwest got too much for some arizona firefighters. how they got into danger's way all while a political firestorm emerges involving arizona's senator john mccain. >> talking about who may have started some of these fires. and of course thousands of firefighters still battling those, trying to get them under control. >> right, which has been very tough. later, our favorite story of the day involving a grandmother's purse which was stolen in a supermarket. but that's not all. how the manager used surveillance video and facebook to track down the thief. >> who wouldn't do the same thing for their grandmother. >> yeah. kind of a high-tech whodunit here. we begin with fireworks in the casey anthony trial. courtroom bickering that is infuriating the already fed up judge. >> both sides are expected to be on their best behavior this morning after getting quite a scolding. t.j. winick joins us with the latest. good morning, t.j. >> reporter: good morning, peggy and daniel. friday we saw fights outside of court.
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monday we saw more heated exchanges at the casey anthony murder trial. casey anthony trial judge belvin perry warned the prosecution and defense their behavior could cause a mistrial, even threatening to exclude key witnesses. >> exclusion. even at the price of having to do it all over again. exclusion may be the proper remedy if it continues. >> reporter: perry threatened to hold defense attorney jose baez in contempt of court. it all began on saturday when prosecutors complained baez planned to question witnesses on topics not included in pretrial reports. after a long side bar court was adjourned until this morning. >> i would go through the reports of all my experts and make sure that their opinions were contained in the reports. >> reporter: and while the trial of this young mother accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee may be garnering more attention by the day, the judge
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seems intent on keeping the proceedings from becoming a spectacle. >> all of this, folks, is going to stop. or you will be working some very fierce days. >> reporter: perry also threatened to extend trial hours by starting early each day and shortening the lunch break and told both sides to expect a full work day this saturday. peggy and daniel? from one courtroom to another, the world's largest retailer scored a major legal victory from the supreme court. the justices ruled that a class action suit filed by walmart's women workers cannot go forward. the women had claimed job discrimination. some defendants say they will continue to pursue the case in court. >> i do not feel defeated at all. by their ruling today. disappointed, yes. but defeated, no. >> plaintiffs in this case want to lump over 1.5 million women who work for walmart into the case. whether they want to be or not.
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>> now the supreme court ruling could have an impact on similar suits involving costco, toshiba, and other corporate giants. today lawmakers in greece could approve a new government that was put in place last week. that along with other steps would shore up confidence about greece's ongoing debt crisis. it's a situation in which nothing is happening easily. as karen travers reports. >> reporter: power outages rolled across greece on monday. as workers at the state-owned electricity company began a 48-hour strike. they're protesting the government's decision to privatize the utility. the latest measure to get a handle on greece's crippling debt comes after painful budget cuts and tax increases. this man said the debt measures have taken away his smile. and robbed him of his life and children's future. but european finance ministers say the greek government has not done enough. they've postponed handing out greece's latest loan installment, part of a $110 billion euro rescue package they
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approved last year to keep the country from defaulting on its debts. >> it's only possible to give more money and more time if you have the certitude, the clarity about the stanty of the greek debt. >> reporter: greece also wants a second bailout package. but european leaders are dragging their feet. >> our view is that any such support for greece is for the eurozone and the imf, not for the united kingdom. >> reporter: the obama administration is pushing for bitterly divided european leaders to take action as quickly as possible. american banks insured substantial amounts of the greek debt. if greece defaults it could cost those banks tens of billions. >> our economy is very vulnerable to shocks right now. when there are bumps outside of the u.s., it slows us down. >> there's also concern on wall street that if greece defaults on its debts the financial turmoil could spread to portugal, ireland, and spain. a nightmare scenario that could trigger another global financial
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crisis. karen traverse, abc news, washington. after 13 years in office, congressman anthony weiner officially leaves office at midnight tonight. the new york democrat made good on his promise by submitting his letter of resignation to political leaders in washington, d.c. and new york. in it he said it had been an honor to serve the people of his district. weiner's resignation comes after he finally admitted sending lewd pictures of himself over the internet. president obama is expected to announce tomorrow that thousands of u.s. troops will start coming home from afghanistan next month. there are more than 100,000 troops in afghanistan right now. following the announcement the president travels to ft. drum, new york on thursday. many of the soldiers deployed to afghanistan are based there. there are plenty of questions surrounding the crash of a russian airliner that crashed in heavy fog overnight. the crash killed at least 44 people on board the plane but somehow eight people survived. the plane went down about a mile from its destination in northwest russia. runway lighting may have failed just before the crash. an autopsy has already been performed on the body of "jackass" star ryan dunn. the 34-year-old was driving his
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porsche early yesterday when it flew off the road near philadelphia and burst into flames. a passenger in the car was also killed. police say speed could have played a part. hours before the crash dunn tweeted a picture of himself drinking with friends. it's unclear when the results of the autopsy will be released. >> obviously very unfortunate. thousands of evacuees are spending another night away from home because of raging fires in the southwest. >> and arizona senator john mccain has created quite a firestorm himself by blaming the fires on illegal immigrants. diana alvear has the very latest on this. good morning, diana. >> reporter: peggy and daniel, good morning. it is an all-out battle for fire crews. and in arizona they themselves have had to evacuate because flames have jumped containment lines. it is a very frightening fire, both on the ground and from space. these nasa satellite images show the scope of what crews in arizona are dealing with. everything in red is burning. since it ignited in late may,
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the wallow fire's burned more than 500,000 acres. only 51% contained, it is the largest fire in the state's history. while not as massive, the monument fire has forced thousands of people to evacuate. and fire crews to retreat. flames helped along by wind gusts of more than 50 miles per hour. senator john mccain speculated some of these fires may have been started by illegal immigrants. >> the forest was closed. everything was closed. and circumstantially, it's very likely that it was. >> reporter: federal fire officials said there was no evidence to support his claim. arizona's not the only state suffering. wildfires are raging in seven states. scorching more than 1 million acres in just the last few days alone. in all, the 4.3 million acres that burned this year are already 2.5 times the national average for the last 10 years. why so many fires in so many states? >> what we're seeing is
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prolonged droughts. we're seeing more weather extremes. >> reporter: dry conditions are turning brush into tinder. it's so bad in florida, crews are having to hose down shrubs and grass. and it's not just flames causing chaos. on sunday, thick smoke forced texas officials to close interstate 45 for five hours. and while these are terrible circumstances, there is one bright spot. so far, no deaths have been reported from wildfires. peggy, daniel? the storm hugging mexico's pacific coast has strengthened to a hurricane with winds topping 75 miles an hour. hurricane beatriz is bringing heavy rain and flooding to resort towns in its path. some areas could get up to 20 inches of rain. but beatriz is not expected to make landfall. forecasters say it will gain a little more strength before turning back out to sea. there's snow on the ground in colorado on this first day of summer. up to 5 inches of snow came down yesterday in the state's high
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country. drivers were forced to cope with icy mountain passes, a few roads were temporarily shut down, but there were no major problems. they're not so worried about sunscreen there just yet. although you do need it any time of the year. >> it's so sunny in colorado. sometimes it snows and the sun comes out. >> you would know. >> yes, after having lived there. there was a bicycle tour of colorado going on and they had to go out and get some of these bicyclists and treat them for hypothermia. >> snow tires? >> snow tires on the bike, why not. take a look at your weather. speaking of. we have violent storms threatening minneapolis, ç chicago, st. louis, also little rock and dallas. those storms move into the ohio valley and d.c. by afternoon. thunderstorms in florida and from houston to shepor >> 66 in fargo. 75 in the twin cities. 84 in detroit. near 80 in boston and new york. 90s from dallas to miami. 79 in salt lake city. 84 in albuquerque. 105 in phoenix. there is really nothing
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quite like a well-scheduled news event. and what's better than this one? >> the masses came out this morning. as they've had year after year at stonehenge, of course, in southern england, all to welcome the summer solstice, the first day of summer. and the day with the most amount of sunshine we should point out. >> i really want to go to stonehenge. that's on my bucket list. there is plenty of celebrating and carrying on. it's kind of depressing to think from this day forward the days are only going to get shorter. it's all downhi hilhill from he. >> that's why they're reaching out. hang on to the sun. no, don't go. >> i refuse to believe that. we have the whole summer in front of us. we have to stay positive. even though we have to sleep during the day which is also depressing. >> and go to work in the dark. >> we are a buzz kill, ge. dayrene get out and enjoy the daylight. p>> uts >> while danil ng >> exactly. we'll be right back with more "wo you go next if you had a
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time to stretch it out. >> which is your stamp arm? your left or your right? >> usually my right arm. >> are you ready? >> we're getting ready for it. this is our favorite story of the day. >> yeah! >> there you go. i don't see it. >> i think it worked. should we do it again? >> one more time. >> yes! >> there we to. >> i like that. this one comes from new mexico where facebook was used to help solve a crime. facebook's involved in everything. >> it is. kind of amazing. after an elderly woman had her purse stolen her son posted video of the theft on his wall and justice was served. here's koat's -- i got a cramp.
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>> what kind of chips do you want? this kind? >> reporter: 79-year-old carmen nuranjo is a mother of five and grandmother of 13. >> watermelon would be good. >> reporter: she and her husband opened this grocery store in 1968. a place she still shops. there have been many lessons along the way. but a thief taught her a new one on wednesday. >> i didn't know i had left it in the basket. >> reporter: carmen walked away just for a moment and realized her wallet was gone. >> find everything okay? >> reporter: her son john runs the store. the crook didn't know he has surveillance cameras all over. >> shame on her. shame on her for taking another woman's purse. >> reporter: there she is. a woman in black pushing carmen's cart away. she shoves the wallet under her arm and takes off. that evening john posted the surveillance video on facebook. within 24 hours, he got the tip. a former employee recognized the face and gave john a name. he went to the woman's home and got the wallet back, minus the
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cash inside. >> she begged and pleaded for us not to call the police. >> reporter: john did and hopes she gets arrested. carmen was happy. she said the wallet had her papers inside, meaning her birth certificate, social security, and medicare cards. she does have a message for the thief in this video. something only a sweet grandma would say. >> i don't think it was very nice of her. >> yeah, well, that's putting it mildly. >> that is putting it mildly. the fact that she said, please don't call the police, i'm very sorry. that's where a lot of people's wallets disappear, in the grocery store. you're preoccupied with the fruit and vegetables. >> keep your eye out. >> got to pay attention. >> all the time, absolutely. well, coming up the 22-year-old champ who makes golf look so easy. for the rest of us, it's a good walk ruined. >> it's not so easy. see why rory mcilroy's winning. he's got a hard name to say. rory mcilroy. rory mcilroy. he's winning and he also has a winning attitude. it's also par for the course for him even when he's not playing golf.
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the 125th wimbledon tennis tournament is under way in jolly olde england. keeping with tradition the defending men's champion rafael nadal got things started. he easily beat michael russell in straight sets at the all england club. on the women's side, venus williams returned to action from a hip injury and won her match in straight sets as well. the williams sisters are getting so old, aren't they? >> they are incredible. >> in their 30s. >> they both had injuries lately, doesn't even matter. >> they're still going. >> they're amazing. golfer rory mcilroy became the youngest u.s. open champ in almost 90 years over the weekend. it was not an easy climb to the top. >> no, in a time where golf fans are looking for a new hero, the 22-year-old has definitely given many of them a reason to believe. here's josh elliot. >> reporter: by most every statistical measure, rory mcilroy's u.s. open triumph was
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one of the great performances in golf history. the baby-faced 22-year-old from northern ireland, in becoming the youngest open champion in almost a century, had done the impossible. he'd made golf look easy. >> another u.s. open champion from northern ireland. an unreal performance from rory mcilroy. >> reporter: golf had been anything but easy for mcilroy. just two months prior when he suffered an equally stunning implosion. a final day failure at this april's masters so brutal, many feared the impact on a career barely begun. >> rory mcilroy was absolutely at rock bottom. it was embarrassing. it was just so stunning to see that the leader of the masters in this trouble. >> reporter: but that's the thing with resilience. it demands that failure, however gutting, be a part of its calculus. that was evident just moments after his masters collapse. when his poise hinted at redemption still unseen. >> it was a character-building
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day, put it that way. you know, i'll come out stronger for it. >> reporter: just two weeks ago, mcilroy did something few athletes in his presumably fragile state might have. foregoing preparation for the open to visit earthquake-ravaged haiti. a tacit agreement that golf, even at its most unforgiving, was still just a game. >> i felt like i got over the masters pretty quickly. you know, i kept telling you guys that. i don't know if you believed me or not. >> and a nice touch to the end of the u.s. open. its traditional ending on father's day. it gave us a chance to meet rory mcilroy's father jerry, who along with his mother rosie, worked multiple jobs to fund rory's dream. jerry himself began each and every day cleaning toilets before pulling double shifts as a bartender. certainly a lesson in perseverance that we can all draw from. josh elliot, abc news, new york. >> success story. >> incredible. coming up, nature trails where human nature could be part of the attraction. >> we really mean that.
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also the most annoying sound in the world. we'll let you know what it is. that's coming up next in our papers. captaidetergent chamber.- that's a cascade complete pac. the best of cascade powder and gel combined in one vessel. brilliant. we're gonna need it. lasagna pan lower rack! fire! [ female announcer ] conquer tough foods and greasy messes. [ mom ] wow! [ crew ] yeah!!! [ female announcer ] cascade complete pacs. love it or your money back.
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"world news now" delivers your "morning papers." >> oh, boy. here we go with our "morning papers." we're already giggling here behind the scenes. what is the most annoying sound in the entire -- it's not us. >> you would say it's my voice. >> no, it's not. in fact, there was a study subject that was done with all different sorts of people who listened to a variety of different noises while trying to accomplish a task. turns out they all found whining to be the most annoying noise. >> now that -- >> sort of like this. >> want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? >> by the way we asked people to post on facebook what they thought their most annoying sound in the world was. so many people are saying it's their spouse. >> oh, that's just mean. >> a nagging spouse.
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come on. >> is my husband on there? i think that's probably him. very interesting, they actually did this in different languages as well so you can't just say it's an american kid, i want this, i want that. they say it's all different languages, all different people can whine. even adults can whine. >> i want to move on to the next story! >> geez, daniel. all right, let's move on to "time" magazine. this is a story that deals with nude hiking, trail hiking. >> i love it. look out for ticks, though. >> in germany this has been going on for a while. evidently folks in switzerland want to start this up. they're not sure if it's going to be permitted there or not. bit of a controversy going on. you can imagine these hikers out in the buff. >> yeah. >> you don't want to fall down. >> the great outdoors. right? at least for some people. you know there's a great place to do that. sheboygan, wisconsin. we're talking about sheboygan, wisconsin, because number one it's fun to say. right? the second reason is because this woman has no idea how this happened but apparently somebody went to craigslist and this is
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her, her name is debbie brown. they posted an ad on craigslist saying she was giving away her boat and her minivan, all you needed to do was pop on by in sheboygan and pick up your new, free minivan. >> the early birds all came. >> and the boat. so anyway, a bunch of people were on her lawn 7:00 in the morning, the dogs started barking. >> they weren't happy about it. >> she looked on her lawn, they were all waiting to take her boat away. i think that's kind of revenge. don't we have somebody we'd love to do that to? >> be careful what you post on craigslist. finally we're going to go back. might get the scandinavian stories apparently. hans erik wanted to add "his majesty" to his name. they turned it down for tax purposes. i was thinking prince daniel. >> what is the thing with that? people saying, like i remember a news story where the person's first name was sir. it sounded like some sort of adulation. but it was their name. >> i'm thinking maybe your royal highness peggy. >> i don't think anyonewowowowoo
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this morning on "world news now," marching orders. the president's much-anticipated announcement on u.s. military action in afghanistan comes tomorrow. >> we're getting details about the troop reduction plan. why it's coming during a very sensitive time. it's tuesday, june 21st. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm daniel sieberg in for rob nelson. >> we'll get to the president's troop reduction announcement in a moment. but summer arrives today. not a moment too soon for some folks. it's daylight appreciation day. as you might imagine on this shift we appreciate daylight every chance we get. >> i remember daylight. i remember liking it. >> the good news is we don't have to worry about getting sunburned so much coming to work. >> true, we save money on sunscreen. that's for sure.
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it is exciting that it's the first day of summer. >> longest day with sunlight. >> organizers say we should use this longest day of the year to cut down on energy use and also get outside and appreciate the sun. >> yeah, why not. >> we'll do it. >> protect yourself, though. >> clearly i need some. all right, also ahead the class-action suit filed by women workers at walmart. the supreme court's ruling and why it's a victory for walmart and all of corporate america. not so much, of course, for the employees who got together to create this class-action lawsuit. either way, a lot of folks saying this is momentous. >> huge. it was a really big decision that will definitely affect labor law going forward. also really interesting they're saying it's sort of a technicality how they filed under a civil action suit, if that was really what it was about, maybe the lawyers messed up a little bit. >> if they had done it on a smaller scale perhaps a different outcome for them individually.
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>> now these women, if they want to go after walmart, they'll have to do it one at a time. >> right. later this half hour, while nasa is retiring its shuttles pretty soon, we're going to look at the next chapter of spaceflight and why rockets of the future could be much safer. it's interesting to look at the orion there. it's got some old school kind of look to it. kind of reminds you of the apollo or the mercury missions when you look at that capsule. meant to be much safer for the astronauts which is key. >> i don't care how safe it is i would never do it. would you do it? >> i think i might be a space tourist. >> you would do it? >> i would consider it, yes. first we want to learn much more about -- tomorrow we'll learn more about how many u.s. troops the president will bring home from afghanistan. that will be starting next month. >> after making the long-awaited announcement, the president will visit soldiers at ft. drum, new york. larry jacobs reports on what's at stake for the president. >> reporter: on wednesday the president's final answer on how many troops he will bring home from afghanistan starting next month. >> that is what will happen and that is the decision, the size and scope of that drawdown is the only decision on the table. >> reporter: white house spokesman jay carney adds the president will visit ft. drum new york this week where thousands of soldiers have been deployed to afghanistan.
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polls have showed at least half of americans say the afghanistan war is not worth the cost. >> i think that when you look at the situation on the ground in afghanistan, it's bleak. >> reporter: the size of this first drawdown will be a balancing act. it has been large enough to keep the president's promise to withdraw surge forces beginning next month, small enough to satisfy the military commanders that worry that afghanistan remains too fragile. and diplomatic relations with afghanistan are fragile after president hamid karzai said u.s. forces run the risk of becoming occupiers of his country. >> when i hear some of your leaders call us occupiers, and likened to the brutal enemies of the afghan people, my people, in turn, are filled with confusion and they grow weary of our effort here. >> reporter: the fact that american forces will begin coming home from afghanistan next month was never in doubt. it is the speed of that withdrawal that has been the tough call. 30,000 forces went in with the surge. >> the president is still in a process of finalizing his
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decision on the pace and scope of the drawdown that will begin in july of 2011. >> reporter: and some advisers say it should take all of next year to slowly bring all american troops home from afghanistan. larry jacobs, abc news, new york. the surge is on for the cause of a deadly passenger plane crash in northwestern russia. at least 44 people died when the plane went down overnight about a mile short of its destination. somehow, eight people survived the crash and were hospitalized in critical condition. heavy fog blanketed the area at the time of the crash. and here at home a mine in southeastern kentucky will be closed until engineers can figure out what caused a collapse that trapped three men. the men are fine. they've already been released from the hospital. they were trapped about 600 feet underground for 14 hours yesterday. the collapse followed heavy rain which actually sent torrents of water into the mine. the nation's highest court has ruled in favor of walmart in one of the most important class-action suits in recent history. the implications from the supreme court ruling are expected to be vast and
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far-reaching. terry moran reports. >> reporter: for the women of walmart who charge they've been denied equal pay and promotions because of their gender, it's been a decade of struggle against the world's largest company. >> this ten-year battle so far has definitely been worth the journey. but we are definitely marching forward. >> reporter: but the supreme court just made it a lot harder. justice antonin scalia wrote the crucial opinion for the court which ruled that the women of walmart had failed to show that the company has an actual policy of discrimination that worked to harm all female employees. to sue about literally millions of employment decisions at once, plaintiffs need some glue holding the alleged reasons for all those decisions together, scalia said from the bench. all three women on the court dissented, along with justice steven briar, and justice ruth bader ginsburg shot back at scalia saying discrimination in the workplace is more subtle than he described.
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managers like all humankind, may be prey to biases of which they are unaware. walmart declared total victory. so what does this ruling mean? >> the supreme court raised the bar extraordinarily high now for women and others who face discrimination in the work place to be able to come together. >> reporter: is this a setback for women in the workplace? in congress, house democratic leader nancy pelosi said the ruling sets back the cause of equality. listen to what we heard out on the streets. if you had to go up against your employer in a case, would you feel that the system was on your side? >> that's a difficult one. i'd have to say probably not. they have more resources for attorneys than most working people do. >> reporter: finally, what can women who face discrimination do now? well, every woman and man still has the basic right to sue employers. but now most will have to do so as individuals.
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they will have to fight the company alone. so now that battle against gender discrimination will have to proceed in most cases one woman at a time. and a giant company like walmart will have the resources to crush them one woman at a time. terry moran, abc news, the supreme court. the battle over same-sex marriage in new york could go on for several more days. the gay marriage bill was one vote shy of passing as the legislative session officially ended last night. with mounting pressure from protesting religious leaders and gay rights advocates, lawmakers agreed to stay at the capital for a few more days to try to resolve the issue. texas governor rick perry has booked a summer speaking engagement in south carolina. a key political battleground state. it's the latest sign he may be poised to give mitt romney and the rest of the gop presidential hopefuls a run for their money. here's john berman. >> reporter: it's the gun. it's the boots. it's the yelp. it's the swagger. no republican candidate lit up the crowd like texas governor
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rick perry. >> let's lead them to the safe harbor of american renewal and the shores of american exceptionalism. >> reporter: of course, perry is not actually a candidate. not yet. but who is this 61-year-old son of a rancher with phenomenal hair? and why do so many republicans hope he does run? >> he has got rock star potential and it's showing itself over the course of the last couple of weeks. >> reporter: a fifth generation texan. an air force pilot who first met his wife in elementary school. >> my husband rick perry! >> reporter: a one-time democrat who once campaigned for al gore. now a darling of conservatives and tea party groups. >> they will never willingly give up an ounce of power in washington, d.c. until the american people stand up and demand that we adopt reform. >> reporter: but in this uncertain economic environment, the biggest weapon in his holster? his record. nearly half the jobs created in the u.s. in the last two
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years -- half in the whole country -- came from texas. the ingredients to that success, he says, no state income tax. few government regulations. and limits on lawsuits. but to his critics, perry has a simple response. >> and our loudest opponents on the left are never going to like us so let's quit trying to curry favor with them. >> reporter: perry is no stranger to controversy. he once famously mused about the possibility of texas seceding from the union. and some insiders i spoke with say his biggest hurdle might be americans might not be ready for another texan in the white house after george w. bush. perry's advisers say right now, he's about 50/50 about whether he gets in. john berman, abc news, new york. >> that is pretty interesting, thinking about all those jobs created in the state of texas. >> yeah, absolutely. we did ask this question on our facebook fan page -- >> which i was just checking out here. >> yes, you have to tell us what the results are saying.
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>> we're asking, who makes a better investor? a man or a woman? two think tanks released a study that answers this question. and -- >> analysts say women make better investors because they tend to buy and hold and take fewer risks. that might be true of life in general. >> men as well. definitely with the investing. that's what i do. speaking for myself. women also avoid anxiety-inducing on the fly trading that sometimes overconfident men are willing to try. >> and the study shows women are much more willing to dump investments that are not performing. and so we actually have a poll on our facebook page. and not surprising, people voting down gender lines. >> sure. >> although a lot of men are admitting that women are just better at investing. >> it's interesting because it's really sort of a gender shift. because a lot of women maybe used leave up the investing to their husbands or they would expect -- >> that was a traditional role. >> now women have really gotten interested in that. what rels people saying? >> so this one woman here patty says, my dad was a great investor, i am not. i think it all depends on the person. >> hm, okay.
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>> i think from chris, i think the insiders make the best investors. knowing what the future holds makes it easy to invest no matter what if you're a man or a woman. maybe it doesn't matter so much -- your gender doesn't matter so much, it's more about knowing what stocks to look out for. >> during the break you and i will talk about some stock tips. we'll compare portfolios. let's take a look at your tuesday forecast. we have severe weather with a chance of tornados for minneapolis and chicago, down to dallas and little rock. severe weather could threaten cincinnati, pittsburgh and d.c. afternoon showers in upstate new york and also new england. thunderstorms from the dakotas down to shreveport. >> 66 in fargo. 76 in omaha. 86 in chicago. 81 in new york. 90s from dallas to atlanta. triple digits in phoenix and sacramento. the czech republic is ramping up its celebration of 20 years free from soviet domination. they're doing this in a very unique way. >> hard to believe it's been 20 years. they've brought in a soviet tank that was painted hot pink back in 1991 as freedom was sweeping
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the former eastern bloc. it was floated into prague on a barge from its usual location in a military museum. >> you don't see a pink tank every day. the same tank was originally used to mark the end of the nazi occupation. it was also the symbol of the 1968 soviet invasion that crushed a reform movement and a vivid reminder to all. >> we'll be right back with more "world news now." ♪ so every year my family throws this great reunion in austin. but this year, i can only afford one trip and i've always wanted to learn how to surf. austin's great -- just not for surfing. so i checked out hotwire. and by booking with them, i saved enough to swing both trips. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. that's how i got a 4-star hotel on the beach in san diego
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for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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[ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil. here's one story. my name is lacey calvert and i train professional athletes with yoga. i know how my body should feel. if i have any soreness, i'm not going to be able to do my job. but once i take advil, i'm able to finish my day and finish out strong. then when i do try other things, i always find myself going back to advil. it really works! [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil.
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a washington state woman was looking for a little bit of adventure so she decided to head out on a hike. but she ended up getting a little bit more adventure than she wanted. >> she passed out on the trail and her life was in danger until two heroes found her. komo's lindsay cohen has the story. >> reporter: on that day it was just a hiking trail. >> thank you so much.
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>> reporter: today it is the spot where three paths crossed. >> so you guys are the ones that saved me. >> reporter: for just the second time. >> i didn't know cpr. the dispatchers told me what to do. >> reporter: karen mcclure can't remember the first one. >> i've forgotten everything that day and the day before. >> reporter: on the day of may 19th, all we know -- >> we saw this lady lying down. >> reporter: -- is that two men found her. >> we didn't know how long you'd been there. >> reporter: face-down, alone, pale, and blue. >> it was a bright and sunny day. the first reaction was, hm, somebody is lying down there. then we realized it was actually somebody in distress. >> reporter: in the stress of the moment the microsoft employees called 911. >> there honestly wasn't that much time to think about anything else. just do what they're saying. they were constantly telling you how to do it. >> reporter: dispatchers gave them a crash course on how to do cpr. >> these people put their very best foot forward for you. >> reporter: keeping a stranger alive until paramedics could get there. >> we had no idea who you are, why is this healthy looking 51-year-old person essentially dead in front of us? >> reporter: on saturday, with family and first responders --
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>> they're the ones that really saved your life. >> reporter: mcclure met the two men for the very first time. >> did you guys take turns doing cpr on me? >> reporter: a split-second decision. >> without her the thread of the family would have unraveled. >> reporter: among two strangers who saved a life. >> it definitely feels good. it feels good to have been able to save someone's life and to say that. >> i think anybody would have done the same thing. >> i can't say thank you enough to them. and i'm hoping to pay it forward and help somebody else. >> very lucky, obviously. >> in fact, only 4% of folks who have heart failure in the king county area are expected to survive, so obviously she's very lucky. >> she was very lucky and those two fellows from microsoft did an incredible job, they knew cpr, knew what they needed to do. >> modest. >> they are very modest. we'll take a quick break and be right back. rprú
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and this was the scene monday as first lady michelle obama arrived in south africa last night. it was the first stop on her good will tour aimed at improving relations there. she's also trying to encourage youth leadership. >> this is michelle obama's second trip outside of the u.s. without the president. >> but even when he is there, she tends to steal the spotlight. here's diane sawyer. >> reporter: wherever she travels, she travels with a signature message. hope, health, and laughter for the young. maybe it's hop-scotching with kids in india. or a greeting in spanish. pouring a point of guinness in ireland. or just showing up at those state dinners. and in every hemisphere reminding students that dreams are not so different. >> back when we were young, no one could have predicted that one day, we would become the president and first lady of the
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united states of america. our stories are not unique. >> reporter: she's already proven she's the one person who can modernize any ancient protocol. a hand on the back of the queen. in indonesia, a conservative muslim country, wearing pants and a head scarf as a sign of respect. but even a conservative minister who doesn't believe in shaking hands with a woman eagerly reached for hers. later had to say he was just being polite. and wherever she goes there is a subtext. her follow-up trip to haiti. in effect saying her husband cares too. and seeming to bring him to south africa and botswana, even though he has yet to visit the south of the continent. seven days, three generations of american women. signaling they're ready to dance to any song. >> and america's first black first lady still hoping to meet the first black south african president.
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>> which would be very historical. we'll be right back.
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♪ "rocket man" was on the charts a few years ago. >> i love that song. >> we can explain why that's being played. finally as nasa prepares to close the book on one era of spaceflight some are looking ahead to what's next. >> perhaps you maybe just a little bit. spaceships of tomorrow are on display at the texas history museum. jay mingus has a look at how we soon could be flying to the moon, maybe even mars. >> reporter: a rare chance to see a spacecraft designed to go deep into space is on public display in downtown austin. the orion multi-purpose crew vehicle is at the bob bullock texas state history museum. this video demonstrates how the
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exploration vehicle will launch into orbit. a crew of four can live in this spacecraft. it's 16 1/2 feet in diameter. it's designed to travel to asteroids, the moon, and even mars. >> we haven't seen anything like this, so it is a big deal. >> reporter: kirk black took the opportunity to see the craft with his wife and three children. his brother worked for nasa in the '80s and '90s. black said he's most impressed this vehicle promises to be safer than the space shuttle. >> safety alone is a big key thing. it's like we don't have to lose anybody else to that. >> the spacecraft is slated to launch into orbit for its initial test flight in 2013. >> reporter: lockheed martin engineers say a special abort system will propel the spacecraft far away from a malfunctioning launch. that system was tested successfully in new mexico last year. in the test the spacecraft hit 445 miles per hour in three seconds then parachuted safely back to earth. >> by building this system we can improve the safety and
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reliability of the total mission. >> reporter: the inside of the module is sealed to the public because it could be used in future missions. it's scheduled for a more intense test in the summer of 2013. >> do a high-energy orbit where we can get up to about 5,000 miles above the earth's surface and re-enter to validate the guidance system and the heat shield and thermal control. in a couple of years. then a year or so after that, fly humans into orbit. >> reporter: engineers say this type of multi-purpose vehicle could also one day be used for commercial flights. so those who can afford the ticket can take a ride to the final frontier. >> there's still a lot of funding issues to be worked out with this whole program. you heard the date 2013 to test it out. 2017 maybe to the moon. mars? way beyond. >> that's why so many people are talking about a privatized space program, how that might be the way to go. many people think it's not the right way to do it. >> if you talk to richard branson, hey, how about that head gear? >> you'd do a good job of hiding
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this morning on "world news now," a discrimination dilemma. the supreme court rules against women who sue their employer walmart. despite the corporate victory these women refuse to give up their fight. it is tuesday, june 21st. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning. i'm daniel sieberg in for rob nelson. >> i'm peggy bunker. the walmart case is the largest discrimination case ever. in a very close vote the women who filed a class action lawsuit lost. advocates for employment rights are now outraged. >> of course walmart celebrating to a certain degree obviously. a very tight ruling, 5-4. >> there is some dissension among the supreme court justices. some agreed with a portion of the lawsuit, others said maybe the attorneys of the plaintiffs didn't file it appropriately under the right civil class
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action suit. it's very interesting. >> we'll talk about that more in just a second. also ahead a quadriplegic airline passenger allowed to fly from denver to dallas was kicked off the plane on his return flight. wait until you hear the airline's explanation. this is a really strange sort of a story and obviously very unfortunate for this man who was just trying to get home. >> we're getting a lot of these stories lately from the airlines as different sort of rules cause problems in the airport. >> fine print in the rules or something. later this half hour the florida marlins' new manager is 80 years old. thanks to his new position we are now about to learn new things about hiring older workers. this is not the first round in this sort of job. he's done it before. >> he prefers 80 years young. >> he says he's not 80, it's just a number. >> just a number. first, the nation's biggest companies have scored a major victory at the supreme court. as we were talking about. the justices ruled in favor of walmart and against more than 1 million of its female workers. >> the ruling is now expected to
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affect pending class action suits against costco, goldman sachs and other corporate giants. karen travers has details on this and reaction. good morning, karen. >> reporter: good morning, peggy, good morning, daniel. the plaintiffs in this case, six female walmart employees, claim they can prove the retail giant discriminated against all its female employees. the supreme court was not convinced. it's a blockbuster unanimous ruling. the supreme court ruled that one of the largest class action lawsuits in history could not go forward against retail giant walmart. in a statement, walmart said the court made the right decision. the plaintiffs' claims were worlds away from showing a company-wide discriminatory pay and promotion policy. but on one critical issue there was disagreement. the court split 5-4 on ideological lines and ruled there were too many women in too many different jobs to group together into one lawsuit. >> the courthouse door will be closed on millions of women and others who face discrimination when they try to vindicate their rights in court.
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>> reporter: the case alleged walmart's female employees were subjected to gender discrimination, passed over for promotions, and paid less than men. the plaintiffs' lawyers presented evidence that women make up more than 70% of walmart's hourly workforce but just one-third of store managers. walmart's attorneys said the statistics were misleading. the plaintiffs' argument, if it happened to us, it happened to as many as hundreds of thousands of other women. >> plaintiffs in this case want to lump over 1.5 million women who work for walmart into the case. whether they want to be or not. >> reporter: one of the plaintiffs said her long battle against walmart will continue. >> i do not feel defeated at all. by their ruling today. disappointed, yes. but defeated, no. >> reporter: the supreme court did not rule on the merits of the women's claims against walmart. the six plaintiffs can now take their cases individually. but there will be far less money and far less pressure for walmart to settle.
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peggy and daniel? >> it's an important distinction talking about this ruling they weren't saying necessarily they didn't have a legitimate case, or that their argument wasn't valid, just that as a class action it wasn't applicable. >> that perhaps the plaintiffs had filed under something wrong. however, there were other portions of it where this is where the dissension came among the justices where they said, really, in fact ruth bader ginsburg said you can't have a majority ruling on something that the minority has endured. she said it's more subtle than that, some of these things the women felt they were slighted by. one of the comments is one employee should doll up a little bit more. that's what one of the plaintiffs was told to do. >> obviously far-reaching ramifications for this ruling. now to the political showdown involving anti-government protesters and the president of syria. the u.s. is adding pressure demanding syria's leadership move to democracy or get out of the way. alex marquardt reports. >> reporter: it was the first time in more than two months that president bashar al assad addressed his country. a country deep in crisis.
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he called for national dialogue and said he would consider political reforms. but he also said the uprising is vandalism, backed by saboteurs, adding that there would be no political solution for them. protesters quickly took to the streets around the country to loudly reject the speech. as the uprising enters its third month, activists say that more than 1,400 people have been killed. syrians have fled north to turkey in droves with more than 10,000 crossing into refugee camps and thousands more setting up camps along the border. many of the displaced syrians still camped out along this border with turkey harbor hopes of soon being able to go home. the fear the syrian army is close by, combined with the worsening conditions, may force many of them to finally cross into turkey. at the turkish camps refugees demonstrate to draw attention to their plight. press isn't allowed in but this
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man told us through the fence he wouldn't go home until the assad regime falls. it's a hope of many that was dealt a blow as assad showed he doesn't plan on going anywhere soon. alex marquardt, abc news on the turkey/syria border. new images this morning of an embarrassing mishap involving the world's largest airliner. airbus' air 380 super jumbo jet clipped a building at the paris international air show sunday. pictures just released show the wing damage on the huge aircraft there. the plane had to be grounded but it was quickly replaced by an a-380 operated by korean air. sticking with aviation news, frontier airlines is looking into a controversial incident in which a paralyzed man was not allowed to fly on one of its planes. that's because the pilot felt it wasn't safe for him to be on cold. marshall zelinger of kmgh in
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denver reports. >> i've never felt that bad in my life. >> reporter: the pain john morris is talking about is not physical. paralyzed in a snowboarding accident five years ago he can't keep himself upright in a chair. he was taken off a frontier airlines flight from dallas to denver because the pilot did not feel it was safe for him on board. >> felt humiliated. >> we just can't understand why this particular pilot was not going to allow john to fly. >> reporter: john was with his mom, kathleen, and had the required assistance he needed on the plane. the issue was how he would be restrained to the seat. kathleen told us the pilot was not comfortable with a seat belt extension. she also said the pilot never came back to look for himself. if you found fault with the pilot what kind of punishment -- >> we don't find fault here. the pilot did what he thought was best for the safety of this disabled person and the party as well as the airplane. there was no wrong done here. >> reporter: we checked department of transportation policy. a disabled passenger can be removed for safety reasons based on a direct threat analysis. do you know if that was applied in this case?
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>> i'm not going to assume that it wasn't but we're investigating that. >> i felt awful. i felt like i didn't belong. >> i just don't understand how he can be a direct threat in one case and not in another. >> also how he could be a direct threat analysis when the pilot didn't come back to make an analysis. >> exactly. don't they need firsthand evidence of whether or not he would cope. >> might want to take a peek at that. here is your tuesday forecast. stormy from the midwest to the deep south and mid-atlantic. gusty winds, tornados and flash flooding from minneapolis to little rock to d.c. showers from the dakotas, from houston to shreveport, and across florida. >> 93 in dallas. 90 in miami. 87 in baltimore. mid-80s in detroit, indianapolis and chicago. boise gets up to 85. seattle 75. triple digits in phoenix and sacramento. ready to hang ten here again, hang five? hang whatever it is here. last week we showed you ducks that appeared to be surfing in a swollen river in colorado. this time it's a four-legged friend. >> there he goes.
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take a look at the young fawn that got caught in a surging stream in eastern ohio. that's sort of scary. he wound up in the water after a run-in with a couple of dogs. he figured the water's the best way to go. >> exactly. and after some amazing swimming in the rushing water, was able to climb up to dry land. you can see there he averted disaster. oh, deer. >> oh, deer. what are you going to do about that? >> deer can jump. have you ever seen deer jump? they can bound over just about anything. >> they can jump over a deer fence that was supposed to keep them out in the first place. >> yes, they can, exactly. >> we'll be back, everybody, with more "world news now." i'm glad that little guy made it. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement nsurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65,
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♪ it was an itsy bitsy teenie
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weenie yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today ♪ >> jimmy's rocking it out. >> do you have an itsy bitsy teenie weenie -- >> i'm not going to say. i might be wearing it right now. >> don't fess up to that, i've seen it. since abc launched the "made in america" series you the viewer have reached out to ask how you can help to buy american. >> including a california woman who was stunned, stunned at how much clothes we buy not made in america. so she dove in head first to see what she can do. here's david muir. >> reporter: our "made in america" trip this time took us clear across america. to the palm trees of california. see the pool entrance? bright and early at the covina ymca. beyond the swim lessons they've been taught something else by a swimmer named helen. she'd seen all those videos sent in by viewers, so common to clothing. just today another one from cub scouts in salt lake city, utah.
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their uniforms? >> it's bangladesh. >> reporter: it's everywhere you look. even our stealth visit to new york's grand central station. we asked, was anyone wearing clothes made in america? this couple determined to find something. but even the t-shirt. >> haiti. >> reporter: as we drew a crowd, some knew exactly what we were up to. >> "made in america." >> you knew what was going on. >> reporter: this german couple didn't. and they were emphatic. they came to america to buy american. >> japan. vietnam. >> mexico. >> reporter: the label on his jeans? >> japan. >> reporter: we stopped him there. in fact, 98% of the clothes bought in this country are made overseas. which brings us back to helen who saw that and marched into her ymca and blew her whistle. >> i thought of this class and i thought, bathing suits. >> canada, china, india, dominican republic, honduras, israel, thailand, vietnam, mexico, cambodia. did any of you find a made in the usa swimsuit the moment you looked when you got out of the pool? >> no. >> reporter: they were determined to change that. we were, too.
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traveling all the way to this small town outside myrtle beach, south carolina. a tiny swimsuit company. with giant growth. 25% just this year. custom fit. you need a specification, they'll sew it. >> we can run out on the floor and say, it's not fitting correctly, it's gapping here, it's bulging there. then we change it. >> reporter: and economists say that's the key to competing with china. clothing that's specialized. they're not mass-producing anything. but they are hiring. six seamstresses in six months. and where are those swimsuits now? why did you blow the whistle that day? because i care about the people that don't have a job. >> reporter: eight women now looking at labels and looking good too. >> made in america! yay! >> helen marshall and that letter to abc news, so brave and her entire team willing to show us the bathing suits, the one thing that they want to help get this economy moving. and you can too. let us know the one thing that
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you have or plan to purchase. who knows, we could come to a neighborhood near you. david muir, abc news, new york. >> those ladies have a lot of mojo. they look great. and by the way, excellent swimsuits is one of the companies that makes swimsuits here in america. they're outside of detroit. they make custom swim wear for hard to fit women which i think is everyone. when it comes to a swimsuit. it's very hard to find -- >> can be a tough experience. >> it's traumatic. >> for men, birdwell beach britches. try saying that three times fast. based in santa ana, california. that's where i bought that. >> i wore that last year. someone said it wasn't hip. i felt pretty good. are they called swim trunks for guys? >> you don't have to worry about getting sunburned in that outfit. >> it sort of looks like pjs. when we return, settling the high-profile lawsuit over a tattoo. >> not just any tattoo. we'll let you know who is no longer so hot in paris hilton's love life. details are coming up next in "the skinny." oh, paris. é"é"é"é"é"é"é"é"é"é"é"
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♪ skinny so skinny it is time now for "the skinny." unfortunately we start on a bit of a somber note. the death of "jackass" star ryan dunn happened in a fiery car crash in pennsylvania. he was 34 years old. and he died in the car crash along with a passenger who has not been identified as of yet. you see him there. he was in the very popular "jackass" series. and this is a story that's been resonating with our viewers on facebook. there have been a lot of comments, people talking about this. he apparently may have been under the influence of alcohol. >> he tweeted a photo a couple of hours before this accident. apparently he blew over a guardrail, which you see there, in his 2007 porsche which was engulfed in flames after the crash. the irony, you think of all the stunts they did. >> exactly. >> in those movies, and some of them were very dangerous. >> right. >> and then to see this -- >> and then driving. >> and also a lot of speculation about that tweeted photo, where there's some alcohol apparently
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in the picture. more details i'm sure on that to follow. lightening things up significantly. >> yes, let's do that. >> let's talk about "the hangover 2" tattoo. the tattoo lawsuit. >> much ado about a tattoo. >> indeed much ado. there is a lot of talk about how they were no longer going to be able to release in "hangover 2" this tattoo on the dvd. >> this is the mike tyson-esque tattoo on ed helms there. >> i love ed helms. by the way, as a side note. victor put the tat on tyson in the first place, which was then duplicated in "hangover 2." apparently there has been a settlement, the big "s" word. which is really what you want. >> cut the check. >> cut the check and let's get it over with so we can release the darn dvd. >> they were saying we're going to have to change it through computer, digitally changing it in the dvd, which would have been a nightmare. trying to do that. >> i thought there were some differences in the tattoo. but i'm no lawyer. >> artistic license, i guess. >> there you go. now on to our much lighter note. paris hilton and cy waits. so sad here. we've been mourning this all morning. >> i can't believe it. >> they're breaking up. i believe, who could have seen
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this coming. >> they've been dating like three weeks now. >> please. >> i think this is just traumatic for everyone. >> evidently they were together almost a year. >> oh, that is long. >> time flies with paris hilton and her beaus. they had some sort of an altercation with dui at one point. i don't think anyone's too surprised. i'm sure she'll find someone else. >> she's young. there's a time to find mr. right. what is she worried about? weird al yankovic. he has spoofed lady gaga. i sort of love this guy because he's sort of like -- >> been around so many years. >> been around forever. keeps coming back with whatever the new hip song is. let's take a listen to weird al as he spoofs the lady. ♪ my mama told me when i was hatched ♪ ♪ act like a superstar ♪ save your allowance, buy a bubble dress ♪ ♪ and some day you'll go far >> he's in pretty good shape. for his age. we had fun digitally imposing his face. >> obviously they've had some fun digitally superimposing his
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face. >> i love all of these outfits in this video i think she would wear as well. let's listen. take it away, al. ♪ take it away, al. ♪ what is that? it's you!
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it's me? alright emma, i know it's not your favorite but it's time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. [ both ] ♪ emma, emma bo-bemma ♪ banana-fana-fo-femma ♪ fee-fi-fo-femma ♪ em-ma very good sweety, how do you feel? good. yeah? you did a really good job, okay?
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let's go back to drawing. here are some stories on abc news. utah's former governor jon huntsman enters the gop race for president today. he's president obama's former ambassador to china. congressman anthony weiner makes his resignation official at midnight tonight. he sent a final resignation letter to political leaders in washington and new york. if you want a gate agent to print your spirit airlines boarding pass it will cost an extra $5. of course it will. yet another fee. >> it just doesn't end. >> keeps piling up. >> that's right. okay, you know they say that age is only a number. if you're a florida marlins fan you better hope that's true. your new manager is 80 years old. a feisty 80. we like it. >> he is. elderly workers aren't exactly a
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bad thing. in fact, a new study shows they're outperforming their younger counterparts. bianna golodryga reports. >> reporter: this is your grandfather's baseball team. maybe even your great grandfather's. meet jack mckeon, new interim manager of the florida marlins. at a feisty 80 years old he's the second-oldest manager in major league history. an honor he's unapologetic about. >> why should experience get penalized? 80 doesn't mean a thing. i'm not 80. my birth certificate says that but i'm not 80. >> reporter: not a single member of his team was born the first time mckeon managed in 1973. now the team's president says he may be their best chance for a comeback. >> jack mckeon is not old to us. 80 years old is just a number. >> reporter: the marlins may be on to something. a new study finds that older workers are more productive than their younger peers. as physical strength fades, other more valuable skills surge. like leadership and teamwork. older workers make fewer mistakes and less catastrophic
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ones. researchers found productivity actually increases until age 65. something home depot has figured out. to entice older workers they offer snowbird specials. work winters in florida, summers in maine. new york life? they say maybe it's all that life experience. but older workers are better at selling life insurance. >> i think what's important in our field, when you're sitting ç down with businesses or individuals, is really trust and credibility. >> reporter: and there's another reason the marlins think mckeon can take the team to the championship. he's done it before at the age of 72. back then in 2003, he took the team to the promised land coming out of retirement. he would retire for a second time two years later. and well, now he's back in the workforce. bianna golodryga, abc news, new york. >> you can see the gray hair just starting to come in. >> it's salt and pepper. how about this. 94% of employers say they think it's really important to keep older workers in the workforce because they need their skills.
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